Volume 9
- Mariola Piłatowska
The Combined Forecasts Using the Akaike Weights [pdf]
- Elżbieta Szulc
Modelling of Dynamic Spatial Processes [pdf]
- Sylwester Bejger
Econometric Tools for Detection of Collusion Equilibrium in the Industry [pdf]
- Joanna Górka
Application of the Family of Sign RCA Models for Obtaining the Selected Risk Measures [pdf]
- Dorota Górecka, Dominik Śliwicki
Application of Panel Data Models to Exchange Rates’ Modeling for Scandinavian and Central and Eastern European Countries [pdf]
- Milda Maria Burzała
The Synchronization of Regional Business Cycles with Nationwide Cycles [pdf]
- Monika Kośko
Markov Switching Models with Application to Contagion Effect Analysis in the Capital Markets [pdf]
- Anna Pajor
Bayesian Analysis of the Box-Cox Transformation in Stochastic Volatility Models [pdf]
- Marek Szajt
Estimation of Disproportions in Patent Activity of OECD Countries Using Spatio-Temporal Methods [pdf]
- Aneta Włodarczyk, Marcin Zawada
The Use of Weather Variables in the Modeling of Demand for Electricity in One of the Regions in the Southern Poland [pdf]
- Tomasz Chruściński
The Study of Interdependence between Capital and Currency Markets Using Multivariate GARCH Models [pdf]
- Marcin Fałdziński
Application of Modified POT Method with Volatility Model for Estimation of Risk Measures [pdf]
- Roman Huptas
Intraday Seasonality in Analysis of UHF Financial Data: Models
and Their Empirical Verification [pdf]
- Jarosław Krajewski
Estimating and Forecasting GDP in Poland with Dynamic Factor Model [pdf]